Alt Right Nazis Fuck Off

I just spend the weekend in a bubble of catcon, which was actually amazing. While I was there I did not even look at the news so obviously when I heard about Charlottesville my heart dropped. I try not to get political with my business but sometimes I can’t help myself.
First I want to say that a president who does not immediately condemn a domestic race driven terror attack on other American citizens is a national disgrace. Waiting for two days to recite words against those terror groups that were not even his own is a pathetic joke. Our government leaders have allot to atone for.

Because we all have the same rights to free speech groups who spew hate like, every white nationalist group,hate group, down to the westboro baptist church can congregate and spit their venom on the rest of us with little consequence.

Heather Heyer was murdered for standing up against hate and using her right as an American citizen to voice her opinion,expressing the same rights these no class citizens.

Our country feels more divided than ever. I felt that after this past election we would be in for allot of violence and social unrest,sadly it true. This will not be the last incident like this. 
We all have allot of work to do and supporting each other in time like this is so important here and worldwide. We are a global community. People of the world mourn for our losses as we mourn for theirs.
Im so sorry for the family of Heather and along with the rest of the country will not forget her death and do my best to make her unwitting sacrifice mean something.
Lots of love my sisters & brothers.

xo J

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