
I am a sufferer of migraines and so that was the start of my day me in bed with a pillow over my head and Sean doing everything he could to make me feel better (what a dream boat). But hooray it went away and i actually did get to go to work and get some things done. I picked up a production job of rabbit hoodies, they are cute stipe hood liner rabbit all over print with facing and heart zipper pockets. But they are missing something so actually right now im designing a few patches to ad.

Well im taking a break to update you on this oh so very interesting news flash and insight to my exciting days events.


Today on the news newscasters that look like high class hookers, oh wait thats everyday. And a teacher gets fired for being a wizard. Yes that was a report too bad it was total BS because that would have been really funny.

Hope you all had a migraine free day and maybe you’ll like my hoodies when Im done with them 🙂

Oh heres a flyer i made w/ some of my HT cads…. The stuff is going to be so cute!!! I even will have my own socks !!!

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