
Whats grosser than gross? and boring repeat pepeat…

I have been sick and then working non stop everyday trying to catch up. SO Have not been inspired one bit to write or blog. I get up i get dressed i go to work i come home, repeat. I have been riding my bike to the train which takes me downtown to work lately. And there is always some type of amazing human specimen to view.

I think with age i have become more and more OCD. I do not like touching things a billion other people touch daily, like elevator buttons (plus Sean told me he saw some dude spitting directly on to the elevator call button in our building), flatwear in restaurants,door handles, whatever other similar items.

Anyway i was riding the train home from downtown with headphone (as usual) Three stops from mine a group of 20 something boys get on, clean cut normal looking regular guys and also a long super greasy bear & hair vagrant guy gets on as well. The vagrant is drinking Joose alcoholic energy drink some sort of purple flavor.

All of a suddend V & RG strike up a conversation which i dont hear because im too busy listening to OS mUtantes my usual train home music. Said conversation turns to V handing over his beverage to RG who takes a huge swig off of it.

Maybe i am just really conservative OCD suffering weirdo but i would never take a swig off a homeless persons hooch.

Fucking Gross.

Os Mutantes one of my favorites bands..

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