This Dudes into metal.

Last night was the artist opening for the In the Streets exhibit at MOCA. It is so big i couldn’t get through 1/2 of it and we were there for 4 hours. But the distraction of each rooms greatness , the ridiculous amount of celebrities , and the many stop and chats didn’t help,

So ill be going back i recommend any fan of street art or just a fan of installations (like me) go see this show.

One of my highlights was meeting super character actor Jon Gries who has been in many of my all time favorite cult classics. Esp Terror Vision, i told him that. I think he though that was silly, but was very nice.

That was one of many highlights of the opening.

Ill have photos to add later of this event for anyone who cares.

I must say that after living in Los Angeles for 12 years i sort of love it. The culture here underneath the glimmer facade is inspiring.

Terror Vision
Jon Gries
Wire Image of Art In the Streets

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Jenny Whoo April 16, 2011 - 10:11 pm
Wow! Sounds like you had a blast! Can't wait to see the pictures! :) Was meeting Jon as awesome as you'd ever hoped?!
Jessica Louise April 17, 2011 - 1:10 pm
Its always nice when actors you love are nice to their fans or people in general. I have met allot of celebrities from the random jobs i have had and some of them are really unpleasant. Out of all the famous people at that opening i was most excited to meet him :)

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