
“The Catholic church cannot approve of same sex marriages”


Oh but they can hide child molesters by transferring them to different churches. Hmm for some crazy reason i feel two people who love each-other and want to share their lives with one another is really non-sequential compared to pretty much every other issue going on in the world today.

I feel”The Church” needs to progress into the 21st century.

Any way for me i say long live love between straight & gay people. And a general love and respect between people in general.

And also hooray for California being as socialy concious as New Jersey.


Oh but they can hide child molesters by transferring them to different churches. Hmm for some crazy reason i feel two people who love each-other and want to share their lives with one another is really non-sequential compared to pretty much every other issue going on in the world today.

I feel”The Church” needs to progress into the 21st century.

Any way for me i say long live love between straight & gay people. And a general love and respect between people in general.

And also hooray for California being as socialy concious as New Jersey.


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