Tattoo Art Seminar with World renown Artist Chris Conn

Anyone familiar with Chris’s work knows how incredibly beautiful it is, and also knows its a very rare opportunity to get any type of instruction from him.

SO tattoo artists or illustrators alike here’s one of a few chances to get to learn illustration techniques from Chris at one of his workshops.

This class will be held in San Francisco Oct 23rd & 24th.

The topics covered will include:

·      Design, sizing, layout, and placement

·      Dynamic/emblematic figure arrangement and posing

·      Achieving mood and drama with facial and physical expression

·      Specific body parts and proportions (eyes, hands, breasts, legs, etc.)

·      Facial angles and proportions

·      Full-body angles and proportions

·      Use of models and reference material

·      Short-cuts, cheating, and ‘frankensteining’

·      Use of symmetry, asymmetry, and ‘para-symmetry’

·      Rendering hair and coiffure

·      Costume, drapery, and ornament

·      Female archetypes in tattoo design

·      Use of shading and skintone

·      Effect of scale on rendering

·      Evolving your own personal style

·      Interaction of foreground image with background or ‘garnishing’

·      Concealing mistakes and errors

·      Keeping the balance between detail and clarity

·      Ensuring a sense of life and spirit in the design

Please visit : Secret City

For more information.

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