Mix Mash Mosh

NO excitement today really i just have about 100 things to cut and sew in the next four days. I’m going to feel like a champion when i am through. Good thing i’m going to the chiropractor on Saturday!!!.

AND i’m going to check up on my little scooter. Its in the shop. I really tried to finish restoring it myself but 3 hours every weekend is just not cutting it and really want to actually drive it around this summer since its been literally 14 years since i have really driven it more than around the block just to see if its still alive. So anyway i finally took it to a shop.

It is a 1964 Vespa i bought when i was in high school and the one relic of my past life i refuse to let go of. I may not have any photographs or records (sad long tale) but i have my curvy little two stroke.

Anyway i hope you all had a lovely day. Here in the City of Angeles temperatures soared.

This is from i dont know 12 years ago? I though it was a funny photo. One summers trip to NYC for the first ever tattoo convention. My friend Laura (center) Is a tattooer we were there with Primal Urge SF Long gone now in the old location but it was a fantastic shop in San Francisco owned and operated by Marcus Pacheco thee amazing.

You can still find him :

To the left is Hillary & the right me.

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