
Jessica Louise Retail Open for Appointments!

I still have work to do but in the meantime I am finished enough with the retail store to open and take appointments. 

I am available Monday-Sunday 8am-10pm If I am here working in the studio obviously I am happy to let you in if you are at the door but any odd hours or days I may not be here.

Anyhow I am excited to work with you ladies in person and to be able to offer specialized customer service and free alterations on in-house bought garments. 

Also I will be making many custom one of a kind type of garments and accessories (like antlers etc) available only in person.

Please feel free to call 213 489 1066 to schedule shopping appointments or even if you just want to check out the shop.

Or come by 1041 S Broadway LA CA 90015 between Olympic/Broadway Normal studio hours are M-F 10-7


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