Dreamy Lurex Sweaters

Dreamy lurex Sweaters

I love lurex. It’s probably that perfect shimmer it exudes that makes it feel special and even a little magical maybe. In any case I found a roll of perfect stretchy shimmering lurex and did not think twice about it before it was back in my studio.It took me a day of living with the fabric propped up against my cutting table before I did the quick sketches for these two top shapes.

I also cannot get enough of bell sleeves, not crazy severe 60’s but a toned down more modern bell sleeve.For this piece I wanted the  design element but not for that element to be to overly exaggerated, so much  that you only feel like you can wear the garment sometimes because it’s too much of a statement otherwise.

It’s a bit hard to tell from my images but the front bust has ruching to accommodate all bust shapes and you definitely cannot see that these are fully lined because sometimes lurex can be a little itchy, but not if you have lining.

lurex Sweater

I was photographing my gorgeous friend Jacqui for her Christmas email photos and threw these on her when we were done. For the quickest photo shoot ever I love the way these came out. Also I am very happy with the top shapes. It still is thrilling when you imagine something and then make that thought into a tangible object.

This is my very favorite aspect of being a designer. Imagination to final piece. Now thats a little magical too.

Short Sleeve Version 🙂

Available now to order in my store http://www.shopjessicalouise.com


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