All good things must come to an end…

Banksy outed? Son of a bitch. Well all i have to say is hes genius. I love his art and love it even more that he sells his paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars because he thinks its funny people will pay that much.

Better it goes to an artist than spent on some other bullshit.

Watching the Democratic national convention makes me anxious. I worry that people in this country are so narrow minded that they will vote for another Bush. If there was a republican running for office that i thought cared about social issues of our nation i would vote for them.

Why don’t other people feel that way?

Its not about the party running in this election, its about what the American people need.

We need an education system that works, funding for health care , a stable economy.And really so many other things.

You know if our government spent a fraction of the amount of money here that they spend on sending aid to other countries, war, and funding anti terror groups we would have national health care and our children would have incredible educations.

I am tired of seeing so much corruption and nothing being done about it. America is an amazing country and it’s just not doing so well as of late.



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